Hoya pauciflora

Hoya pauciflora

Den här ljuvliga lilla hoyan har raskt tagit förstaplatsen som min favoritdoft. Den doftar starkt, men inte överväldigande, av citron med en underton av parfym. Sedan den första blomman öppnades i oktober har jag känt doften i köksfönstret och blivit mer och mer förtjust i den. Blommorna håller länge och öppnar sig med lite mellanrum så doften har varit konstant. Blommorna är dessutom väldigt söta och i stora, framför allt med tanke på de små och smala bladen. Nu hoppas jag bara den aldrig slutar blomma.

Hoya pauciflora
Hoya pauciflora
Hoya pauciflora

6 svar på “Hoya pauciflora”

    1. Well, I wish I could give you some advice! But besides refusing to flower earlier, pauciflora have not been very fussy to me. I grow it warm (even if the general advice is to grow it cool) and make sure the roots have plenty of air. I’ve noticed that similar to retusa and linearis, the rootball is fairly small compared to the plant itself. My guess is that it makes it more vulnerable to root damage, like drying out or getting overwatered. So if I were to make one suggestion, it would be to pay close attention to the roots.

      1. Thanks so much! I understand at all…it seems very slow to root and the roots so fragile (not for the size but for the growth and the response to the conditions)! So do you use fans for the air?

        1. No, not really. So far, growing them all in home enviroment, fans have not been needed. However, it have come to my mind to install a couple, mostly in our hobbyroom where the collection just keep on growing for some reason.

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